yoga retreat

featuring YogAlign CREAtor michaelle edwards
"Change your posture, Change your lifE"

hosted by bettina borrelli and rooted alignment
Saturday, March 7th to Saturday, March 14th
Scorpion Bay Hotel, Baja California Sur, Mexico
$2,600 US per Person

Join fellow postural alignment seeking adventurers from around the world for an unforgettable experience in the remote endless beaches of San Juanico, Mexico. Escape your pain in a remote surf resort with our postural alignment retreat, relax by the beach, and celebrate this new experience of yoga in style. Scorpion Bay Hotel offers a slower pace of life, the perfect spot for relaxation and a place to get away from it all while experiencing the simple Baja life with the creator of YogAlign.
the instructor, michaelle

A licensed massage therapist, musician and the Creator of YogAlign and FitAlign Posture Trainings. Her 45-year study of yoga and movement began at age 18 under the mentorship of Swami Satchidananda, (Integral Yoga). Michaelle began teaching yoga after 20 years of practicing many different styles of yoga and completing a teacher training with Erich Schiffman. She is the author of YogAlign, Pain-free Yoga from your Inner Core, 2011 and has filmed numerous videos on her techniques.
Beginning in 1991, after suffering yoga and stretching injuries and in response to her clients who also had injuries and chronic pain, she began to create YogAlign and FitAlign Posture Trainings. She has been called a 'Posturologist' for her expertise helping people get aligned, fit and pain-free using safe, stable movements and exercises. These posture realignment techniques are based on how the body is designed to move in real life; retraining the brain using breath based alignment cues and neuromuscular re-patterning. She resides in Hawaii and established the Kauai Yoga School in 2008 and conducts workshops and trainings in the mainland USA and internationally. Michaelle has decades of experience working with the human body and has trained thousands of people to teach or do yoga, movement and stretching using breath based realignment techniques that are safe for any age or fitness level.
Goals for the Retreat:
Create naturally aligned posture and eliminate chronic pain
Use breathing to tone your core and calm your nerves
Decompress and strengthen joints while moving from center
Practice yoga and stretching exercises safely to avoid injuries
Free your fascia with self massage
Activate your psoas/diaphragm connection
For more information about Michaelle and YogAlign, see her website here.
Enjoy a fantastic week with plenty of new ways to correct your posture. With posture classes for all levels, workshops and much more. A spring celebration menu, cocktail night, and a fun excursion with surfing, SUPing and more are all part of the week . You will also get to experience the remote pueblo of San Juanico, Mexico, which is known for being one of the longest waves in the world, by staying at the Scorpion Bay Hotel. Learn to surf and play in the waters of this reknowned beach.

As a Graduate from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in 2016 in San Diego, I am a licensed massage therapist. I specialize in Thai massage but also have expertise in Swedish massage, Tui-Na, Deep Tissue massage, and Reflexology. Compiling all my studies and gathered knowledge from my experience, I then adapt each massage for personal perfection. Being able to heal people from their daily aces and pains guided me to find more modalities like massage, thankfully I was guided to Michaelle the creator of YogAlign/FitAlign.
As I was growing up I felt as if I was more receptive to others' feelings and thoughts. Struggling emotionally through high school, I stumbled across the beautiful path of self healing. As new and different modalities of self awareness and healing kept falling into my path, I found Theta Healing. This started my path in 2009 and by 2010, I became a certified Advanced Theta Healer (which is a type of energy healing).
Currently, my latest accomplishment has been the creation of my new business Rooted Alignment, which combines all three of these wonderful modalities into my own practice. As I am a certified postural alignment trainer of YogAlign and FitAlign through Michaelle Edwards, creator of YogAlign and FitAlign, this allows me to help you optimize your posture and relieve yourself of chronic pain. My sessions will teach you how to improve your posture and how to apply it to your everyday life. My program of internal wellness and self awareness will strengthen your core, diaphragm, and back muscles to continuously and effortlessly enhance your posture. Let’s get away from passive stretching and get into active stretching!
For more information about Bettina and Rooted Alignment, see her website here.

Saturday, March 7th to Saturday, March 14th
Scorpion Bay Hotel, Baja California Sur, Mexico
$2,600 US per Person
Trip Includes:
Airport Transportation
All Meals
Daily YogAlign Classes
Beginner to Advanced Classes
Meditation Classes
Posture Clinics
Half Day Excursions
Surfing Lessons
Cooking Class
Cocktail Night
Beach Bonfire
Trip Does Not Include:
Travel/Emergency Insurance
Alcoholic Beverages


Attendees must purchase a roundtrip ticket on Volaris Airlines Flight 268 from Tijuana Airport to Loreto Airport on Saturday, March 7th and Volaris Airlines Flight 269 from Loreto Airport to Tijuana Airport on Saturday, March 14th to Tijuana. Please note that there is only one flight to and from Loreto via Tijuana on Volaris Airlines on these dates. As of December 2019, roundtrip tickets are $200 and can be purchased here.
It is recommended to use the Cross Border Express from Otay Mesa to Tijuana Airport. Tickets are $30 roundtrip and can be purchased here.
If your travel is different, please note that there could be an additional airport transportation cost.
Recommendations for travel insurance and medical evacuation insurance are Allianz Travel Insurance with more information here and Aeromedevac with more information here respectively.
Attendees must fill out a Waiver Agreement and submit it to info@scorpionbayhotel.com prior to the retreat.
If you cancel your trip, YogAlign, Rooted Alignment and Scorpion Bay Hotel does not offer refunds for any reason. A portion of your payment may be used as credit for another retreat to be taken within two years of your original retreat date. We will gladly transfer your credit to another guest.
Depending on when you cancel, cancellation penalties may apply. Fees are determined by the following schedule:
If you cancel more than 90 days before your retreat start date, 100% of your payment may be applied to another Retreat.
If you cancel 60 – 89 days before your retreat start date, 75% of your payment may be applied to another Retreat. You will forfeit 25% of the price of your retreat.
If you cancel 15 – 59 days before your retreat start date, 40% of your payment may be applied to another Retreat. You will forfeit 60% of the price of your retreat.
If you cancel 14 days or less before your retreat start date, you will forfeit your entire payment.
Exceptions to our policy cannot be made for any reason. We do not offer credit for a guest arriving late or leaving early. You must submit your signed Waiver Agreement form within one week of booking or 90 days prior to retreat start date, whichever comes first. Guests who fail to do so may be subject to an automatic cancellation and the above policy will apply.
While we have never cancelled a retreat to date, if YogAlign, Rooted Alignment and Scorpion Bay Hotel must cancel a booked retreat date for any reason, you may transfer your full retreat payment to another retreat, or you may request a refund of your payment to us, constituting a full settlement.
YogAlign, Rooted Alignment and Scorpion Bay Hotel is not responsible for your expenses incurred in preparation for any cancelled retreat, such as airline tickets, loss of work, and/or other costs associated with preparing for your trip.